A note from the EBN LIVE! Founder and Host, Stephanie Bonte-Lebair
Founder of Empowered Business Networking (EBN), Award-Winning Networking Director, Networking & Voice Coach, Professional Singer & Performer
If you have ever said “I meet great people at business events, but it’s not translating into clients or financial ROI” or “I give a lot more than I seem to receive when I network,” I get it.
It’s why I created my Empowered Business Networking (EBN) membership, which is known for focusing on building collaborative partnerships rather than non-stop sales pitches or competitive energy. It’s also why I developed this in-person, 3-day EBN network-building experience based on the principles in my new book “How to Build Empowered Partners to Skyrocket Your Visibility and Income.”
You see, the secret to powerful and profitable relationship building in business isn’t about giving and receiving referrals.
It’s about creating mutually beneficial and collaborative partnerships between like-minded business owners that lead to greater visibility and income for both parties. Here at EBN, we call these relationships Empowered Partners.
EBN LIVE! is here to help you identify, connect, and mastermind with your ideal Empowered Partners live. So you can easily find ways to effectively (and profitably!) collaborate with other business owners to generate more opportunities, impact, and sales in your business than you could on your own.
Put another way: Empowered Business Networking LIVE! is made for creative entrepreneurs who want more opportunities to shine. But who don’t want to build their business alone.
If that sounds like you, we can’t wait to have you join us!